Hell in Korea 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Hell in Korea

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Genre: Drama, History, War
Countries: United Kingdom,
Release Date: January 14, 1957
Year: 1957
Runtime:80 min
IMDb Rating:

In 1951, during the Korean War general retreat of United Nations Forces, a small British re-con platoon finds itself cut-off from the main British force.The platoon is led by Lieutenant Butler and Sergeant Payne. Corporals Ryker and Hodge are in charge of the men. After executing a search and destroy mission in an abandoned and booby-trapped South Korean village, the platoon heads toward rice fields, but finds itself surrounded by Chinese enemy troops. When sending for help becomes no option, Lieutenant Butler decides to closer investigate the isolated South Korean temple perched atop a steep hill. The temple seems to be a good defensible position for the platoon, but it�s located at the top of the steep hill with only a sheer cliff to its rear.

George Baker     , Stephen Boyd     , Ronald Lewis